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Thousands have found their love.

Success stories

Some couples who have found each other through our dating website, share their acquaintance stories with those who still have doubts about "love via the Internet" or doubts about the reality of bi-national relationship. They encourage others to make the first step towards virtual dating. We hope that these true stories of real people will help you, too, to change your life and find your happiness.
Svetlana & Pierre:
We live together and every day is a blessing, from morning to night.

On 25th of December 2022 a Christmas miracle came into my life. I received a letter from a man who became my husband a year later. His name is Pierre. [.. read on ..]
.. read on ..
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About InterFriendship

We work 100% serious and decent

InterFriendship - dating site specializing in international relations. During our 25-years of history we have helped thousands of women to find their dream partner and create a happy family. Our members are convinced of our professional and uncomplicated system. Come to us, and look for your love!

Tom Manuel Svetlana Renate Alexandra Elena Konstantin
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Learn more about Western men - Germans

Why men from Germany?

Millions of lonely foreigners, including Germans, are looking for a loving partner in the east for a happy future. What attracts women to German men? Why do they tend to start dating and start a long-term relationship in Germany? You should know, that:

  • Germans take relationships very serious
  • Like in Eastern Europe, family is very important to them
  • They are always on time, quite tidy and like order
  • They are very romantic and believe in passionate love

Dating Tips

"Dating" is a new word coined to designate acquaintance or partner searching. So, organizations involved in this kind of activity are referred to as "dating agencies".

In this section you will find some information about the main notions and concepts related to online dating activity. Here, you will also find some useful online partner seeking tips. If you want to get information about InterFriendship, visit our Support Center.

So … The first dating agency was set up in London on September 29, 1650. Since then, the world has seen a great deal of changes. The function of dating agencies, however, has remained unchanged – helping people find each other and connecting people’s hearts …

Dating agency

  • "Dating agency" is a very broad concept. Here, we will try to give you an idea of how dating agencies work, using InterFriendship dating site for illustration purposes.


  • Dating is a kind of activity people throughout the world do almost every day, since no person can and is willing to exist alone and isolated. Similarly to dating site users and owners, we are interested primarily in family-oriented dating.

Dating site

  • Dating sites are becoming more and more popular among singles that are willing to change their status and are seeking a partner, whether in their native country or abroad, and are not afraid to meet new challenges and have new experience.

International dating

  • If you’re searching for the man of your dreams and have decided to try international dating to set up a family, then our dating site is just what you need.


  • Our name - "international friendship" is suggestive of the field of our activity. InterFriendship is a successful West European dating site specializing in "East-West" dating.

Find love

  • Is finding love really possible? How to find love? All dating agencies are trying to answer these questions to help people find their love.

Meet men

  • Why are women trying to meet men from abroad? Based on our 10-year experience of working with our customers, we have identified some psychological, social and historical reasons for this.

Single men

  • It’s not a secret that everything we, women, do, we do for the sake of men. Living in expectation of meeting interesting single men helps us keep fit, and we may spend hours in front of a mirror to get ready for a date with single men, trying to make our tired-after-work face look bright and chic. What else are we already to do to be attractive for nice single men?

Online dating

  • Today’s term "online dating" means partner seeking on the Internet. Such kind of dating can be of particular interest for people that have a loaded work schedule and have no opportunity to spend much time at disco clubs or exhibitions.

Western men

  • It’s up to you to decide a man from which country would be better for you as your prospective partner. We will give you a short description of men from several West European countries that are most numerous on our dating site.

Dating Germany

  • Located in the heart of Europe, open and hospitable, Germany is one of the world’s most developed countries and is proud of having its centuries-long history and culture, magnificent architectural ensembles of the past and the present, unique natural landscapes and unique appearance of its cities and villages ...

German men

  • The qualities of German men are a topic for endless discussions! We understood it from our regular communication with women that have married through InterFriendship dating site.

Single Germans

  • We should speak of Germans either good or very good. Why? Because InterFriendship dating site founder, director and creative manager is a German!:-)

Dating Austria

  • Austria is a country of the Alps, crystal mountain lakes and green meadows; it is the birthplace of waltz and the most musical country in Europe, where such great musicians as Mozart, Strauss and Brahms found inspiration to create their masterpieces.

Austrian men

  • You will hardly find the most faithful and family-oriented men than men from Austria. Check this by meeting one of Austrian single men through our dating site!

Single Austrians

  • The originality and charm of single men from Austria are probably connected with the fact that over centuries Austria has been absorbing elements from different cultures, such as Slavonic, Romanic, German, etc.

Dating Switzerland

  • Contrasts and variety in all spheres of life in Switzerland make this country special and unique: its languages, culture, transport, architecture, cuisine and, of course, landscapes with sky-high mountain ranges, eternal glaciers, mountain rivers, waterfalls and crystal-clear blue lakes.

Swiss men

  • Asking women what type of men they want to meet, very often we hear "the one who will make me feel safe and secure!". There is hardly a better man for this role than a man from Switzerland.

Single Swiss

  • Swiss are building the world’s longest tunnel through the Alps – 57 kilometers! And why are single Swiss interesting for us as our prospective partners?

Dating Italy

  • Italy is a sunny, temperamental, attractive, fascinating and unusual country, where every corner is beautiful and unique. Italy … It is the past and the present, seas and beaches, mountains and pistes, olive gardens and blossoming azaleas; it is also the best in the world espresso, pizza and tiramisu … and the most charming Italian men!

Italian men

  • Italian men are a special "product" of dating agencies that gives you a lot of pleasure but should not be abused. :-)

Single Italians

  • There’s no need to say much about Italian men – it’s better to meet them and date them! And one of InterFriendship female users said that your life would be filled "with the paints of unobtrusive chic …" One can hardly say better …

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  • Write a letter to the men you like
  • Get exited about their response vie e-mail!
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