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100% real men Secure registration Serious and reliable
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Thousands have found their love.

Success stories

Some couples who have found each other through our dating website, share their acquaintance stories with those who still have doubts about "love via the Internet" or doubts about the reality of bi-national relationship. They encourage others to make the first step towards virtual dating. We hope that these true stories of real people will help you, too, to change your life and find your happiness.
Svetlana & Pierre:
We live together and every day is a blessing, from morning to night.

On 25th of December 2022 a Christmas miracle came into my life. I received a letter from a man who became my husband a year later. His name is Pierre. [.. read on ..]
.. read on ..
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About InterFriendship

We work 100% serious and decent

InterFriendship - dating site specializing in international relations. During our 25-years of history we have helped thousands of women to find their dream partner and create a happy family. Our members are convinced of our professional and uncomplicated system. Come to us, and look for your love!

Manuel Alexandra Svetlana Renate Oleksandra Tom Oksana
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Learn more about Western men - Germans

Why men from Germany?

Millions of lonely foreigners, including Germans, are looking for a loving partner in the east for a happy future. What attracts women to German men? Why do they tend to start dating and start a long-term relationship in Germany? You should know, that:

  • Germans take relationships very serious
  • Like in Eastern Europe, family is very important to them
  • They are always on time, quite tidy and like order
  • They are very romantic and believe in passionate love

Single men

Very often men irritate us, very often men annoy us – they are unwilling to have heart-to-heart talks with us and understand the way we think. Men are puzzled why we need to have 4 pairs of shoes, 10 blouses and a lot of bags to suit every pair of shoes; it is very difficult to explain to men why we have to use the contents of those 25 bottles standing on our toilet table, while all this is very simple – women can not apply body cream on their face or remove their make-up with simple water! With men, it’s really difficult, but still we can’t do without them! Without attention and compliments from interesting and determined single men, no woman will feel herself a real woman. Do you agree with us?

So, international dating is what such an interesting and attractive woman as you needs. Through our dating site you can meet single Germans, single Austrians, single Swiss men and men from other European countries.

You are not alone, if you dream of dating a handsome single man. "But where to find so many handsome single men – millions of single women are trying to find love through online dating," – you may ask. We understand your doubts. Nevertheless, finding YOUR handsome and beloved man through a dating site is possible.

Let’s think what beauty is. Beauty is a very individual and subjective quality. Some women are looking for single brunets, while others prefer blue-eyed single blond men or gaze at lean, tanned bold men … Some women want their potential partner to be lean and slender, while for others "meet the man of your dream" means meeting a cheerful and kind-hearted chubby man and they won’t even look at bony males. Nationality is also important. Some women are willing to date a handsome and temperamental single Italian, while others would rather choose an even-tempered Viking from Norway or a Swiss men who will be a most reliable husband.

So, dear ladies, statistics says that there will be enough husbands for all single women. We will be glad to see you among users of our international dating site!


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